Making videos

Making videos

Well, I am part of a group where we had an assignment to produce a video.  Here is my video I made. I hope you enjoy it. It a video showing how to make matcha tea. There is my spirit animal and director. A cat painted on a rock. Share...
Nutrition: The health benefits of tea

Nutrition: The health benefits of tea

Nutrition: The health benefits of tea This is an article from the Irish Times. I find it funny how some people I know in the USA who really like Ireland like coffee. I have met some people who are into Ireland in the USA that like tea too, but for some reason, I know...
Irish Breakfast and Cinnamon Chocolate Assam

Irish Breakfast and Cinnamon Chocolate Assam

Two of my newest and latest creations are Irish Breakfast and Cinnamon Chocolate Assam. The Irish Breakfast has been selling quite well. I want to blend a Scottish Breakfast too. I am hoping the Cinnamon Chocolate Assam sells well in the colder weather and it was just...