A Cup of Green Tea Not Only Boosts Your Metabolism but Your Memory Too

A decent article about green tea health benefits. Most people know that green tea is good for you and this article focuses on boosting your metabolism and boosting your memory. I know some people say they do not like green tea, but I usually wonder if it is because they have not had a good quality green tea brewed correctly. To really get a good taste of green tea you need a high-quality loose leaf tea. You will also need a good quality spring water that has a balanced ph level, never use boiling water, and steep a couple of minutes (the steeping time varies on the green tea).  Bagged tea gets stale quickly and produces a one-dimensional taste to the brew. Never use distilled water because the tea will taste flat and you do not want the water too acidic nor too alkaline. Using boiling water will burn your tea and leaving the tea in usually produces a too astringent tea. Some or of the above mention are reasons why a green tea may not taste good.  I got this article from the Specialty Tea Insititute.