I haven’t talked for a while about new teas I blended or got from the farms in origin countries. Actually just looked it up and it has been last year. Yikes!  I definitely have been getting more teas and blending.  I received some teas from Japan, China, and Taiwan and blended a few teas too. Here are most of them:

Orange Rosehip Hibiscus Rooibos
Alishan Gaba Oolong
Fruit Tisane
Golden Lily Oolong
Golden Monkey Black
Heavy Roasted Dark Oolong
Hojicha Dark Roast
Honey Nectar Oolong
Japanese Oolong
Lemon Ginger Rooibos
Lemon Ginger Sencha
Milk Oolong
Heritage Matcha
Pu-erh in a Tangerine