Ready Retail Lab

Ready Retail Lab

I am really happy to be a part of the Ready Retail Lab at Willy Street Coop. I am the vendor for October. This is a big deal for me because they will have my product at their 3 locations. The order is almost ready, just a few things that will arrive tomorrow, but...
Places to get my tea.

Places to get my tea.

Many of these places have been in the works for several months. I have my tea to buy as retail at Glass Art & Supply in Green Bay and Inspire Art Gallery in De Pere. If you want to drink my tea try The Cannery Public Market it is being served in their...
Making videos

Making videos

Well, I am part of a group where we had an assignment to produce a video.  Here is my video I made. I hope you enjoy it. It a video showing how to make matcha tea. There is my spirit animal and director. A cat painted on a rock. Share...